Important Book Giveaway Update

A few clarifications and rules regarding yestrdays Book Giveaway:

1. You need to leave a comment on yesterdays Blog Post to be eligible. Emails to me or comments on other posts will not count. I need to have a list on that post for getting a number of participants and picking a random number winner.

2. Regarding winners outside of the US: I will pay $20 towards foreign postage. The rest is on the winner. The book was printed in the UK and available on Amazon Uk, so it may be easier to just buy it if you live in Europe.

3. If the winner does not respond to an email (or the Paypal bill for any postage over $20) within a week, I will pick a new winner.

Sorry, but there are always rules.

Doll Clothes book giveaway

Frequently Asked Questions

Over the past 18 months there are a few questions, I tend to be asked regularly. I am hoping a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page will be helpful. I'd still love to hear from you, but you can also see if your answer might be here.

Mermaid Dolls.

What size are the dolls?

When will my doll ship?

What type of custom dolls can you make?

What type of custom clothes can you make?

What is included in a doll set?

All of these questions, and a few more, are answered right here.