Now in My Etsy Shop

I've been sewing a lot lately.

Lots of dresses,

lots of dolls.

and boy clothes,

and dolls for foster care. 

I've been photographing a lot lately too. Not sure if I did an official brag about my new camera. But I am in love with my Nikon 5300 and the two lenses I got. Completely smitten.

What I have not been doing is listing all of this work on Etsy, which may seem like this small action defeats the purpose of why I sew. And to an extent that is true. Except I lOVE to sew. And I now love to photograph. I just get a little stressed about listing. That's for another blog post.

I just listed a few dresses and will be adding more over the week. So if your Phoebe is twitching for new clothes, take a peek and keep watching for more.

New handmade doll dress
New handmade doll dress
New handmade doll dress
New handmade doll dress
New handmade doll dress
New handmade doll dress