The Peter Pan collar, the very essence of cuteness. They are not so hard to make. If you can make the reversible or the lined dress, the collar is just a few extra steps.
At the end of this post is a form to get the Peter Pan collar piece.
The collar can be used with either a lined/reversible dress or the facings, both previous posts in this series. Pin and cut four collar pieces, your dress pieces and your lining or facing pieces.
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The first step is to sew the collar pieces together, two and two. But they are small and have a tendency to be pushed by the needle into the needle hole and then get chewed up. To avoid this start sewing start the beginning of the collar piece over a piece of tissue paper or stabilizer. Then tear it off when you have sewn the collar pieces.
Turn each piece right side out. Push out the seams with a point turner or knitting needle. This will help the two pieces look symmetrical.
Click to enlarge.
Using the centerfold line of the dress front, position the two collar pieces and baste them into place in the center where they need to touch.
Pin to sew both collar pieces to the neckline all of the way around.
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Sew collar to the dress neckline.
Match lining up to dress, with right sides together. Or facing if you are using facings.
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1. Sew from bottom of the back around the neckline, making sure you catch all layers, the lining, both sides of the collar and the dress fabric.
2. Trim excess fabric and clip the curves.
3. Before you sew the armhole seams, pin collar edge in so you do not accidentally catch it in the armhole seam.
4. Sew armhole seams, clip curves.
5. Turn right side out and press.
6. Continue to follow the instructions for the reversible or facing dress for the side seams.
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Trim and enjoy! Form for collar pattern pieces below.
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