Twins. They are fun, adorable, sometimes exhausting, and in most cultures considered lucky. A woman's chance of having twins is less than four percent.
So when they come into the world, there is a bit more fanfare and celebration.
And if you love to sew little girl clothes, dolls and doll clothes, twin great granddaughters are certainly a reason to celebrate.
Vera Catlett is mother to two daughters, and she now has six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The most recent additions to her extended family are twin baby girls, Eden and Eliah. They arrived on August 5, weighing five and a half pounds and required a two and a half week hospital stay. Two months later, they are over eight pounds, thriving, and the whole extended family is enjoying them.
Eden and Eliah, relaxing together
Especially Vera, who lives two miles away. Not only will she enjoy spending time with Eden and Eliah, but she has already started sewing for them. Vera's mother taught her to sew when she was a teenager, Vera then started sewing clothes for herself. Since then she has continued to make clothes and toys for her growing family.
Below is one of Vera's designs modeled by a twin. However, she will soon be sewing on an even smaller scale, she purchased twin Baby Eggs for the twins and will be sewing clothes for both sets of twins, dolls and great granddaughters.
One of the twinslooking pretty at five weeks wearing an outfit made by Vera and held by their Mom, Sarah.