Reviving a childhood memory with a doll

Last week, two unique custom dolls went to their new homes. 

I was melted by both of the requests, each quite different from the other, but both re-capturing the childhood of a young adult.

The first came from a young man, trying to recreate a favorite lost doll of his fiancee's childhood. Since it was a surprise, it was from what he had heard described. The doll had been from her grandparents and somehow lost. He wanted the doll not only for his girlfriend, but for their future children. She was a doll with brunette braids, an old fashioned "milk maiden" type of dress. And her name had been Kikay.

How could I not be completely melted?

Here is how I interpreted Kikay.

Custom Rag Doll
Custom Rag doll
Custom Rag Doll Clothes
Custom Tag

The second request was to replicate a child in a kindergarten school photo from about 20 years ago. The child was wearing her school uniform and pigtails. And of course, she was adorable. 

I tried to replicate the clothing, down to the ankle socks, which I had never done before.

Custom toddler doll
doll ankle socks
Custom toddler doll
custom toddler doll

I loved being part of both of these gifts.

An "Easter" Egg

This week several dolls went out that were Easter gifts. My favroite was a Baby Egg with brown eyes. She will be an Easter Egg. She's off to Oregon and her new home now, but here are a few photos, including one of her extra little Easter outfit.

Baby Egg for Easter

Baby Egg in her pajamas
Baby Easter Clothes
Baby Doll Pajamas with feet
Baby Egg PJS

Two new dolls left for new homes

First day of spring today, although herein northern Massachusetts it has been barely above 20 degrees and we still can't see the ground. But the sidewalks are bare and as a runner, I am very grateful for that!

Two new custom dolls!

Two dolls left for new homes earlier this week. I was optimistic and dressed them in spring clothes. One left for Texas, definitely spring there, and the other for California, definitely spring there, too. 

New handmade doll
new handmade doll with spring dress
Two dolls with their spring dresses
New handmade doll
New custom doll
New spring doll clothes